A Squash and a Squeeze…

This morning, my girl grabbed me for a short story-telling session, before I left home for work. I had read through this story several times, but just today, I felt so strongly about the message it was bringing across.


A Squash and a Squeeze – It tells of this old lady who complained that the house she was staying in was small and cramped. She asked an old wise man for advice, and was told to bring into the house, her hen, a goat, a pig, and a cow..

The animals made such a big mess. And finally, when the ultimatum was given, the old wise man gave her one final advice, ‘Now, send all these animals out of your house.’ Afterwhich, she went jumping and dancing in joy, appreciating the space she had in the house which she once complained it was simply not big enough..’

I thought the principle was so parallel to what we’re experiencing at this current juncture of our lives. My hubby and I once thought that we were lacking in so many things, mainly material things. Car not big enough, house not big enough, holidays and vacations – not frequent enough, ‘money no enough’, children’s school not good enough. It was only this one year with so many challenges happening, and so many changes in the family, that we realised the things we own so far were just right for us.

I believe it can all be summed up in this one statement: Luxury is not the real blessing; Simplicity is the way of life.

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‘WeiWei’ Gets Hitched!

Having a common group of friends that we share with my (not-so-little) brother, it has been a while since we’ve called him ‘WeiWei’. This was some pet name that we’ve used since we were kids, until the time when we had to address him as Jaedon or Zhanwei in front of our friends.

Our ‘little’ brother finally got hitched last year Dec. And being one of his 2 elder sisters, we started prepping the whole family for the wedding since early 2012. I guess this was one of the privileges that the youngest will enjoy. And esp, when you have 2 elder sisters to attend to matters. Well, I presume, elder brothers usually won’t look into so much details.

Just some candid pictures to show the happenings behind the wedding. These are a few that I personally favoured 🙂


The gorgeous couple. I believe WeiWei knows he got himself a beautiful wife. Lucky fella!


Texting the groom to check his whereabouts. I didn’t think I did this when I got married. I was 1 obedient bride who followed instructions: No communicating with Groom before he arrived to fetch the Bride.. Hmmm..


This was so hilarious. Must be one of the most dramatic noodle-eating moments he’s ever had in his entire life.


This picture looks so perfect, until someone realises that we were running up and frantically flipping the veil over. Phew! Just in the nick of time.


So proud of these 2 boys! They were the sporty duo… Hope their jumping on the couple’s wedding bed works… still waiting for good news from the newly-wed. (Winks)


My gorgeous mum. I must say, my dad is another lucky guy…


Love this picture so much! We’re so grateful to have grandma with us and celebrating this great occasion.


All the best, WeiWei… Already all grown-up and married. Stop playing so much computer games… 🙂


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The Thing about my 5-Year Old…

It was quite a while since I’ve last posted an entry. Amidst the busyness of life with its day-to-day routine of work-home-family, recently I faced objection from a little fella to work on my laptop when I’m back home.

George recently was very sensitive when I tried to work on my laptop or even check my hp when I’m home. ‘Why nobody talk to me? Why are you working (through the phone)? Why you use the laptop so long?’ These questions somehow made me put aside the IT gadgets and for quite a number of weeks, I’ve been trying to spend my time and focus my attention on the 2 kids everytime I’m back home. Thus, explains why I wasn’t back to blogging for quite a while.

It was quite a challenge having to come out with new play ideas every day. However, recently George came out with some fun ideas to keep him and his sister occupied. Just like this particular one whereby he pretended he’s playing computer games. This amused me so much!

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So Just Where Did I Come From?

George was just recently asking me how did he actually get in my tummy when he was a baby. Decided that giving him too much details would just confuse him and lead him to start a chain of many more questions, my seemingly political and rightful answer was: ‘I prayed to God for a son, and God put you in my tummy.’ As simple as that? (ya, right…).

Part 2: So Just Where Did I Come From?

He apparently wasn’t very convinced. The next day, just after tucking him to sleep, he decided to probe further.

G: Mummy, how (did) God put me in your tummy?

M: Hmmmmm (for a considerable long time, but I still managed to craft my words). God put a very small George, just the size of a coin maybe, and magically, he placed you in my tummy.

G: Then where you go? (He meant ‘what happen after that’)

M: I didn’t know you were already in my tummy, until when I felt sick one day, I went to the doctor and doctor told me that I had a baby inside.

G: So how I come out?

M: You didn’t come out immediately. You had to stay in my tummy for 9 months. You grew from a coin size, to an apple size, and when you were as big as a watermelon, I started to have a tummy-ache and…

G: And you go hospital?

M: Yes, I went to the hospital and gave birth to you.

G: How?!!

M: Hmmmmm (thinking of the right words again….) I had a ‘hole’ in my butt…

G: You ‘da-bian’?? (meaning passing bowels in Chinese) – And he started giggling and laughing non-stop..

M: NO00000000… This was another ‘hole’ not meant for ‘da-bian’, but it’s for baby George to come out from my tummy into this world. Anyway, it’s late… Go and Sleep!!!

George from a ‘Big Watermelon’ Size

To a ‘Carton’ Size

And now a ‘Mini Yohandi’.


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The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Beers

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once again if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes’.

The professor the produced 2 Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling up the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

‘Now,’ said the professor as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognise that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favourite passions. If everything was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else – the small stuff.

‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ he continued, ‘there is no room for pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children, your parents, your grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. PLay another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn. Take care of the golf balls first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.’

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you asked. The beer just shows that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of beers with a friend.’

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August – A Month of Public Holidays

This is August, almost coming to a close. While many people would have rejoiced over the many public holidays in Aug (S’pore’s National Day & Hari Raya), my hubby and I had to crack our brains to think of ideas where to bring our kids.

I googled quite often for ideas. The places that came out of the search most regularly – Zoo, Jurong Bird Park, Hort Park, Sentosa, Jacob Bellas Children’s Garden etc… While some of the above mentioned places, we have been to quite a no. of times, the others – we’re not so sure if the kids would enjoy. On the other hand, we tried to reduce on the shopping mall visits. A trip to the MacDonald’s or Ben & Jerry’s, followed by a ‘walk’ around Toys R Us are both ‘health-threatening’ and super not cost-effective. So, thanks to recommendations by some friends (parents, whom I believe, had gone through the same situation), we found some really interesting places where the kids can explore.

1) Istana

There was an Open House during Hari Raya. The last time I went there was at the age of, say 7 or 8 yrs old? We always passed by the highly guarded gates on the way to Plaza Singapura or Cathay, and always thought that the ‘palace’ was just situated right behind the Guardhouse. We visited with the 2 kids and the 10 min walk uphill to the main building, with 2 ‘lazy’ kids who didn’t co-operate by sitting on the pram, was torturous. It had been a great work-out for both of us. Hope it did help us shed some fats!

It was a nice experience. To be able to see the State Room, where they hold many important meetings for diplomats and leaders of many countries, as well as the many exhibits and furniture that came from all across the shores and continents. No photography allowed in the ‘Palace’ though.

If the weather is good, it would be a good idea to have a picnic at the Istana. There is a large pond with geese, big field for kids to run or even ‘roll’ around, as well as a well-lawned garden with a nice fountain.

2) Central Fire Station

George and Audrey have always liked anything to do with fire-trucks and fire-fighters. It never came across our mind to bring them to a fire station tour until a friend recommended to us and told us that majority of the fire-stations here in S’pore conduct Open Houses from 9am – 11am every Sat. Just last week, we visited the Central Fire Station, which is the oldest existing fire station in S’pore. Kids have a chance to try on the fire hose, get behind the wheels of a real Fire-Engine as well as the Red Rhino. Just as we were happily touring around, the whole team of Fire-fighters were activated after news of an emergency was announced over the speaker. The 2 kids watched with amazement as they saw the fire-fighters ran, grabbed their helmets and overalls, hopped onto the fire-engines and wailed their sirens out of the station. This was so exciting!

After the guided tour, parents can bring their kids to the Museum next-door where they exhibited fire trucks and life-saving equipment and how they evolved over the decades. The whole trip was not long, accomplished over an hour or so… But nonetheless, it was quite educational. Most importantly, entrance was completely free!! (grins)

3) Qian Hu Fish Farm

While preparing to head out from home, I was still contemplating if we should go. All the way to Sungei Tengah for some small guppies? The trip wasn’t disappointing in the end. There was so much to see. Tortoises, frogs, crabs, gupppies, angel fish, fighting fish, KOI and the very famous Arowana. Kids could feed the KOIs or even catch some guppies home: $6 for half an hr. There is also a fish spa, and prawning activities as well.

The kids enjoyed themselves so much. We decided to let George have his 1st pet: 3 beautiful guppies, housed in a tissue-box sized aquarium. We didn’t buy a proper water filter though. (Fingers-cross) We hope they do survive at least for a week 😦

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George can Read!

I got to confess that I’m not a very diligent mum. While many parents would have done flash cards while their kids were still babies and probably sending their kids to phonics class and reading to them regularly, perhaps daily before sleep, I’ve been doing practically nothing much to help my kids pick up reading and writing early. Other than the once-in-a-while Thomas and Friends’ bedtime stories. Therefore, this came as a surprise during one of the Teacher-Parents Meeting, when his form teacher actually brought up matter-of-factly that George can read a sentence all by himself.

Few months ago, their teachers were recommending some of the story books that we can buy to aid the kids in learning to read. The Ladybird series was the one I bought. And as with every new purchase, I enthusiastically read and repeated to him almost every night, before the excitement died down few weeks later. Just last night, I brought out those story books again to test on him, and boy! I was so happy and beemed with pride as I heard him read the whole book to me.

As with all parents, we’ll naturally be excited over each and every milestone that our kids made. So pardon me, as I shared the below video with pride…


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Ah Gong, Thank you for your Love!

We just lost grandpa 3 wks ago and it was all so sudden. He had a fall at home 1 of those days, and when I received the news from my mum, I just thought that he would be able to recover and be discharged from hospital as he had been a strong man with a tough physique.

Went to the hospital that night, but was told to go home, as he was going through a CT Scan and that would take sometime. I didn’t know that I never had another chance to meet and speak to him again. The next morning, he went into a coma, and was gone 4-5 days later.

Ah Gong had always been a person whom we were close to since young. Though not staying together, our childhood days had memories of him visiting our house often, teasing us by pulling our ears, itching our hands with his then mustache, pulling down my brother’s shorts when he was a child (Javier and George are not spared either). I remembered he loved eating Curry Mixed Veg and tomatoes. And because he kept walking around in shorts, baring his lean and scrawny body, we kept teasing him if he had just come back from a swim.

He had lived to a ripe old age of 84. However, because it was just like yesterday that we sat down and had dinner together on the 1st day of CNY (still remembered he ate my mum’s specialty prawns), I still couldn’t believe that he’s no longer around.

We miss him tremendously. Even for George, he kept asking me why ‘Tai Gong’, as he would have called him, was sleeping in the ‘box’, all throughout the wake. We told him that ‘Tai Gong’ has gone to heaven and is now taken care by Jesus. You can imagine the many ‘Why'(s) that he kept asking after that. And just yesterday night, he asked me again when ‘Tai Gong’ will come back. ‘Why Tai Gong go to heaven? DId he become an angel? Does he have wings?’ Perhaps to him, he thought that my grandpa had gone for a long vacation. 



This was me sitting on my Ah Gong’s chest during my younger days. Memories like this will be forever etched in my mind…

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Walking with God

Was having lunch with some of my bestie colleagues this afternoon, when boy!, we ended up having a very interesting discussion about God, church and the different encounters we had with different breeds of Christians.

It all started with a discussion on the recent City Harvest Saga. Anyway, that aside, some of them mentioned the most ridiculous, hillarious and out-of-this-world experiences with Christians. One of them mentioned how she was being shared and street-evangelised when she was in her teens. For some of you who don’t understand what’s street evangelism, it is actually those times when someone stopped you on the streets and shared with you about Jesus. Quite passe already nowadays, I guess it doesn’t work with people now. Anyway, back to her experience, she was asked to repeat a prayer that came naturally after the sharing, and she followed suit. When she came at the sentence that said, ‘I accept Jesus as my Lord…’, she stopped. Being a person who took conversion as a serious and important decision, she declined to continue praying, even though the Christian insisted that she did. There was another time when she was visiting a church meeting, and because the whole congregation was praying fervently in tongues, she felt uncomfortable as a visitor and went out of the room. There were Christians who later followed her to the toilet and waited outside till she came out.

Another one of my colleagues shared about how she went to a church meeting too. Being a Catholic who wasn’t attending church frequently, when the pastor was giving an altar call for people who want to reconcile with God, she lifted up her hands, after having the assurance from the pastor that nobody’s eyes were looking. When the time came for the respondents to go up to the front to receive prayer, the neighbours sitting around her, turned to her and said they saw her lift her hands and asked for her to go up and be prayed for. Boy, she felt so cheated and at the end of the meeting, scolded the friend who brought her to church and even severed their friendship.

After hearing all these stories, I was so grateful that I had met sound-minded Christians ever since Day 1. I was being brought to City Harvest Church at the age of 15. As a student of a Mission School, I had long heard about the gospel and even became a Christian (secretly, behind my mum’s back) at the young age of 12. However, you know how some Christians who were not committed to attending church, and kept coming up with lame excuses when their Church leaders asked? I’ve been there and done that. Therefore, I continued my walk with God, survivng on the bare knowledge of who God is for a few years, before my sis, who became a Christian at her own Mission School too, took me to City Harvest when I was in Sec 3. And from there onwards, I started my exciting walk with God for a good 15 years and counting…

These 15 years at City Harvest were the most interesting, adventurous and life-changing period in my life. My 1st Cell Group Leader, who was later promoted to be a pastor, became my brother-in-law. He and my sister were really the mentors whom have contributed most in my life, having taught me the common sense of people relations, work excellence, money management, leadership, integrity, and tips on love relationships too (Just to name a few). To the amazement of my colleagues, I told them that yes, I was part of the tithing congregation, gave to the building fund, knew how to pray in tongues (thank goodness they never asked me to demonstrate on the spot), and had the experience of how it was like falling under the power of God. What amazed and shocked them even more was when I shared that I knew my husband in church too, who once used to work as a full-time pastoral staff in the church (Double Shock). My 2 kids were dedicated to God in church, I went to a mission trip in Taiwan and even set apart a year to attend a Bible College (gasp!!)… Oh, and did I mention that I preached before a crowd of 200-300 people, and led praise and worship songs with a live band?

I had read so many analysis of the operation of mega churches, ever since CIty Harvest came up on the headlines. There was even a report on the business model of the church, and casual comparisons and conclusions were being made with regards to the way charismatic churches praise and worship, give, do missions, in general, conduct their weekly services. It is hard to explain why we practise the things we do just through an email, an article, a blog, a facebook post, or a tweet. What I was taught from the Bible on prayer, worship and giving, was done through a good long 15 years, and 1 thing for sure, I did bring my brains along to analyse and understand in every weekly service, cell group meeting and bible study. Therefore, it is not so right if Christians are being described as people who adopt a herd mentality. Though no doubt there is also a group of believers who are blindly following the faith.

We left City Harvest about a year ago, as the responsibilities of parenting have taken a toil on us. Literally for 1 whole year, I had to watch the weekly service from the church’s Nursery Room, as my girl was still barely 1 yr old. My elder boy, who had just turned 3, did not want to stay in the Sunday School, all by himself. Somehow or another, he could not fit in to the rest of the teachers and children. I couldn’t concentrate when the sermon was preached, as it would usually be disrupted by the cries of the babies in Nursery. My hubby always had to attend the service all by himself. I was the most affected, as I felt spiritually dry, not ministered to, and attending church became just part of a routine.

Just out of curiosity, we brought our kids to another Church for its Sunday School, as we’ve heard good reports of their bible classes. It was made compulsory by the Sunday School teachers to leave our kids by themselves. So while Audrey was with my helper at the Nursery, George was made to stay in Sunday School by himself, after I accompanied him once. I liked the way they conduct their bible classes, and George enjoyed himself as well. I was able to attend the services with my hubby, and we were refreshed by the teachings and God’s presence.

I am so thankful for the strong faith teachings and Christian foundation that I was taught in CIty Harvest. That when I was feeling spiritually dry at this current phase of my life, I managed to find the strength and self-motivation to search for God at a place where I could draw the Living Water from. 15 wondrous years of my walk with God have passed and I am so looking forward to many more years to come.

I joked to my colleagues who have had bad experiences with Christians, ‘Aiyah, you should have met me earlier! I believe I could share with you about Jesus using a better approach..’ On a more serious note, I think believers have to treat non-believers as true human beings, to put themselves in their shoes and think about the most natural and ‘humane’ way to present who Jesus is, instead of stuffing the gospel onto their plate. I feel sorry for my colleagues that they had such unpleasant experiences with Christians, but having said that, I truly believe that they will get to experience God’s goodness at His perfect timing one of these days.



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Where has Singa the Courtesy Lion Gone to?


It’s quite amusing to know what the netizens have been raving about recently. And that the headlines of TNP (not surprising), actually writes about the MRT saga between a young lady and a middle-aged auntie. These would usually just passed off as articles to feed my hunger for juicy gossip news, until I personally experienced unpleasant discourteous people within 1 week.

Case #1:

I was having a quick lunch at Tea Loft (ION) one afternoon. It was super packed and there were these 2 particular young ladies who were carrying their tray of drinks and food and waiting for an empty seat. Seeing that the lady at my right was sipping her cup of tea and watching drama on her iPad, and this couple at my left was sharing a cup of tea and chit-chatting away, I quickly gobbled up my Mee Rebus and slurpped up my cup of tea and made intention to leave (Not that I was a saint, but I was rushing for time anyway). Before I could make my way out of the seat, these 2 ladies rushed towards me ‘enthusiastically’ and placed their trays and bags on my table. I even had to say ‘Excuse Me’, to make my way out.

Case #2:

I was pushing my pram along a crowded corridor at Vivocity one Sat. Seeing that the lane in front of me was clear, I proceeded on and walked forward. A lady who was walking towards me, suddenly stopped and made an attempt to turn back (she probably saw something on sale)… I collided onto her, and quickly checked to see if my son (who was sleeping in the pram) was ok. Before I could say anything, she raved at me saying, ‘Ni bu hui jiang ‘Sorry’ ah?’ (Meaning can’t you say ‘Sorry’?)

I think people nowadays are always demanding their rights… The rights to be treated well, to be treated correctly, to be treated better. I believe discourteous people already exist since day 1. There is nothing new under the sun. The world’s an imperfect place. Unreasonable people will somehow exist on this earth, because of their upbringing, the culture they live in or come from, the incidents that happened in their life that made them who they are now. So chill…. Despite of how rude or impolite others treat you, I think we should still let ‘courtesy be a way of our life.’

Case #3 (Positive One):

Me and my colleagues were driving out for lunch, when we should have made a left turn, but didn’t. The traffic light turned red, and my colleague was making a signal to cut into the left lane. The car behind us on the left stopped a distance away, to give way to us. This courteous act made all 4 of us exclaim in awe. ‘It’s so rare to see such a driver nowadays…’ And all 4 of us agreed. I’m sure he has impacted us someway or another.

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